Order your very own WTA sweatshirt or jacket. Prices for each are listed below.

Black Sweatshirt – $50.00

Grey Sweatshirt – $40.00

Bomber Jacket – $100.00

Hooded Jacket – $100.00
On the fishing grounds or tending the BBQ, you’ll look your best in a WTA hat. Our great looking hats are available in these tasteful colors. Each hat is a $20.00.

Navy Hat

Green Hat

Tan Hat

Red Hat
You’ll be living well drinking your favorite beverage from a WTA travel mug. Each mug is a $20.00 or order a hat and a mug for $35.00, a savings of $5.00.

Travel Mug
To order your own WTA merchandise, please fill out the merchandise order form found below and return via regular mail to us at WTA, PO Box 1821, Westport WA 98595 along with your check for the order total. All proceeds benefit the work of the WTA.